Octavian-Dragomir JORA
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
Asezonat cu un Weltanschauung ecologic etatist dominant global (şi mai pregnant la nivel european), “modelul românesc” a preluat entuziast în educaţia oficială, discursul civic, legislaţie şi aşteptări (totuşi, palid în efecte) prejudecata că nu se prea poate aspira, la modul serios, la o “microeconomie” a dezvoltării durabile şi că analiza şi acţiunea trebuie să fie “macro-”, “top-down”, “centralizate”. (Iar generalizând “teoria relativităţii ecologice” spre a prinde şi schimbările climatice, “macro-” devine “mondo-”, nimic mai puţin.) Chiar şi micile “erezii” de conştiinţă ecologică ale unor cetăţeni individuali sau ONG-uri sunt întreprinse cu ochii spre autoritatea sprijinitoare, reglementările ei şi mai ales fondurile disponibilizabile pentru aşa iniţiative. Curăţarea mediului înconjurător de produsele de dezasimilaţie ale producţiei industriale şi echilibrarea inter-generaţională a exploatării lui antrenează, în conştiinţa publicului, o serie de reflexe publice: taxe penalizatoare pentru “cenuşii”, subvenţii pentru “verzi” sau permise de poluare tranzacţionabile pentru ambii pe pieţe dedicate.
Iustin Emanuel ALEXANDRU
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
Petru Ciprian BRADU
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
Alexandru TAŞNADI
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
This article aims to take a brief look at the capitalist spirit as exposed by Max Weber, with his well-known perspective on the protestant ethic, finding commonalities with the current catholic perspective of Pope Francis I on the care for “our common home”, as seen in the 2015 Encyclical “Laudatio Si’”. There will be observed several elements of economic thinking related to a religious paradigm.
Keywords: capitalist spirit, common home, Max Weber, Pope Francis I, religious paradigm, ecomenics
JEL: A13, Z12
The Capitalist Spirit in Our Common Home: Elements of Economic Thinking in the Religious Paradigm [Spiritul capitalist în casa noastră comună: elemente de gândire economică în paradigma religioasă]
Academia Română
The paper delivers some reflections on the concept of singular economic
event, starting from the concept of economic as well as from the
distinction between the natural world and the economic (larger, social)
world in an ontological perspective. In this context, the paper shows we
never meet economic phenomenon, but only its historical hypostases:
economic events. And there are not but only singular economic events.
Keywords: singular economic event, desiderative explanation, desiderative prediction, propensive prediction
JEL: A13, B41
Explanation and Prediction in the Singular Economic Event
Universitatea Româno-Americană
The aim of the present study is to elucidate how specific professional use of social media foster user intentions as a response to online marketing communication, and the differences in effect sizes that this has in shaping further information seeking, recommendations and information sharing, loyalty intentions. Partial Least Squares analysis is performed on data from 1097 social media users.
Keywords: social media, group analysis, online marketing communication
JEL: L82, M31
Professional and Unprofessional Use of Social Media Differences in Modelling Social Media Marketing Message Reactions
Universitatea Bucureşti
The following paper will examine if international law has influenced, either for the better or worse, the conflict in Syria as well as the country’s economic situation. We shall analyse how the Responsibility to Protect Principle (R2P) has affected events in the area, if at all. The predecessor of R2P, humanitarian intervention, with its “right to intervene”, has been quite controversial and inefficient.
Keywords: Syria, R2P, intervention, economy, UN
JEL: H56, N40
Syria and R2P: Of Promises, Let-downs, and War Economy
Matei Alexandru APĂVĂLOAEI
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
In 2018, Romania will celebrate 100 years since the provinces of Bessarabia, Bucovina, and Transylvania joined the Kingdom of Romania, with its recently added territories of Dobrogea and Southern Dobrogea (the Cadrilater), to form Greater Romania. Anticipating the Centennial of the Union, professor Boia has written a book that aims to put those events into a broader, European perspective.
Boia and Mises on the Question of Nations, Frontiers, and Minorities in Central and Eastern Europe