Octavian-Dragomir JORA
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
Literatura economică a
decantat, în decursul evoluţiei ei, o împărţire
populară în privinţa “sistemelor economice” –
consacrând dihotomia “capitalism vs. socialism”, completând-o însă cu o
serie de stări “hibride” / “mixte”
/ “mediane”. Persistă însă o serie de diferenţe conceptuale între gânditori, tributare alegerii criteriului dominant în funcţie de
care sunt construite comparaţiile şi clasificările. La o privire sumară şi pornind, într-o primă instanţă, de la accepţiunea larg împărtăşită a sistemelor economice – citite ca moduri în care indivizii îşi provizionează în societate
satisfacerea nevoilor sau, altfel, cum îşi
coordonează producţia şi distribuţia
resurselor rare –, am putea
desprinde tabloul (aparent) al unei mari varietăţi de
ipostaze culturale: altfel spus, “câte bordeie, atâtea obiceie”.
Academia Română
The concept of fiscal sustainability is discussed in the
framework of the general sustainability property of a system. To this
end, after some theoretical preliminaries, a set of algebraic
formalizations is provided in order to capture the concept of fiscal
sustainability from a methodological perspective. Some proposals are made, while also including some methodological
Keywords: fiscal sustainability, sustainability modelling, algebraic formalization, fiscal stance, fiscal system
JEL: B41, E62, H30
An Assessment of Fiscal Sustainability in Romania
Universitatea \"Transilvania\" din Braşov
The stake of this essay is to propose a rediscovery of Tocqueville, which means to bring to light “the effects of analogy or isomorphism which, starting from the actual forms of knowledge, make a figure that has become unclear or disappeared perceptible”. Starting from a postmodern perspective, those features of modernity that were present “in nuce” within the American society.
Keywords: kinetism, subject, truth, uncertainty, authoritarianism, equality, freedom
JEL: A14, D72, P48, Z13
Tocqueville and Modern Times. “On Democracy in America”, in a Postmodern Reading [Tocqueville şi modernitatea. “Despre democraţie în America”, într-o citire postmodernă]
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
Cristina Mariana ENE (VASILE)
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
Alexandru TAŞNADI
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
In the present article, the authors start from the idea that, in Romania, the opportunities of the circular economy are directly related to environmental protection, the increase in competitiveness and the intake of the results of technological innovation and research. Within “the circle that closes”, the public policy within the field of discussion is analyzed based on five components.
Keywords: circular economy, competitiveness, eco-innovation, sustainability, biodiversity
JEL: A12, D21, O44, Q01, Q55, Q57
Circular Economy and Eco-innovation in Romania [Economia circulară şi eco-inovarea în România]
Mădălina LICĂ
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
Who will win the race to become the first circular city in Europe? A couple of cities struggle to be the first that adopt the circular economy agenda, yet it is not so easy to achieve the performance of being on top. From London, Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin to Brussels, Glasgow, Venlo and Peterborough, circularity has become part of foreground programs and is expected to be widely adopted.
Keywords: circularity, circular economy, aquaponics, circular city, sustainability
JEL: Q55, Q57, Q58
Cities Going Circular: Glasgow’s Approach to the Circular Economy Model
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
In order to understand the capital market and the principles underlying its administration, it is necessary to know, on the one hand, the economic and financial models that express its balance and its performance in the context of globalization and, on the other hand, explain, in scientific terms, people’s behaviour regarding money management on this market.
Keywords: behavioural economics, psychology, finance, capital markets, globalization
JEL: D24, G41
The Economic and Psychological Perspective of Investments on Capital Markets in the Context of Globalization
Ştefan Marian DUMITRU
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
The purpose of this paper is to discuss and evaluate the ever-increasing incorporation of the geopolitical dimension in one of the EU’s most important foreign policies – the Eastern Partnership of the Neighbourhood Policy. 2019 marks a decade since the launch of the initiative. During these ten years, numerous events have marked and changed how the EU approaches its neighbours in the East.
Keywords: European Union, neighbourhood, policy, Eastern Partnership, geoeconomics, geopolitics
JEL: N44, O52
The European Union’s Eastern Neighbourhood and the Incorporation of the Geopolitical Dimension