Online ISSN 2286-0266
Print ISSN 1223-0685
© 2024 Œconomica by ASE & SOREC
Octavian-Dragomir JORA
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
In our four parts intended study, we will try to give a brief account on three of the pivotal perspectives on property as developed and operated by maybe the most coherent and self consistent liberal school of economics and law: the Austrian School (AS). We will deal firstly with what is called “the free market utilitarian position” (as stated by L. von Mises), then with “the natural law based view” (as revealed by M. N. Rothbard), and, finally, with the “a priori of argumentation” (as formulated by H. H. Hoppe). We chose a chain-link type assessment following the intellectual phylogeny in the SA: Rothbard on Mises, Hoppe on Rothbard, the contemporary Austrians on Hoppe, ending with the natural integration of private property within positive economics analysis (J. G. Hülsmann’s PROPERTY ECONOMICS). Part I of our study (following bellow) is dedicated to criticizing the shortcomings of Mises’s view on the need of society for private property (despite the good intuition and intention proven by the great Austrian economist), due to its utilitarian foundation (private property is the prerequisite for economic calculation, this being the only rational tool for rationally allocating resources and thus consistently pursuing general prosperity in the society, so private property is good as the only way society can prosper). We will show following M. N. Rothbard the failibility of a utilitarian position in defending property and we prepare the ground for discussing stronger ethical positions on property, extremely valuable for laying the foundations for a more realistic perspective, non-ethical neutral, on economic analysis.

ŒCONOMICA no. 1/2009
Keywords: ethics, private property, economics, apriorism, praxeology, utilitarism
JEL: B41, K11, A12, B53
Trei teorii liberale ale proprietăţii şi fundamentele analizei economice în termeni de proprietate (I – Mises şi utilitarismul liberal)