Online ISSN 2286-0266
Print ISSN 1223-0685
© 2024 Œconomica by ASE & SOREC
Centrul de Analiză şi Dezvoltare Instituţională (CADI)
Centrul de Analiză şi Dezvoltare Instituţională (CADI)
The article reviews the core theories of Elinor Ostrom and the Bloomington School of Institutional Analysis and Development, arguing that they can claim significant pragmatical validity by enabling an integrated approach to governance, including development and other public policies. After introducing the background, the basic thesis of the School and the overall framework of institutional analysis and development (“IAD”), we emphasize two complementary theories. The first is the theory of polycentric order as an approach to macro-governance: polycentricity as the propper institutional arrangement of large, complex social aggregates such as regions and societies. The second theory, having at its core the governance of common-pool resources, is tailored for mezzolevel polities such as communities and villages. Together, the two theories provide a complete and integrated approach to governance. Therefore, in the last part we focus on the impact and applicability of the approach in the field of international development aid and similar policies.

ŒCONOMICA no. 4/2009
Keywords: market, state, political, social and cultural values, institutions, institutional analysis and development, institutional design, development, Elinor Ostrom
Şcoala de la Bloomington: abordarea integrată a teoriei şi practicii dezvoltării