Online ISSN 2286-0266
Print ISSN 1223-0685
© 2024 Œconomica by ASE & SOREC
Victor IANCU
KPMG Romania
In today’s globalised economy the informational flows are extending with unprecedented speed in all socio-economic areas and many organizations achieve and develop similar technological and management capacities in their competitive challenge to win new markets for commercializing their products and services. It is in this context that industrial property becomes increasingly important to the firms’ success and competitive advantages. However, not many organizations (especially small and medium sized ones) manage to integrate industrial property in their corporate growth strategies and business processes, and thus, are not able to extract the maximum benefits there from.
This paper is aimed at analysing the way firms (especially those that are not primarily involved in obtaining innovative results) can systematically develop and implement an industrial property strategy with a view to maximizing profits, by following a three step approach: (i) identification of the industrial property assets owned by the firm, (ii) valuation and (iii) exploitation thereof.

ŒCONOMICA no. 4/2010
Keywords: industrial property, patents, trademarks, audit, valuation, exploitation, profit
JEL: K11, L24
Proprietatea industrială şi profitul firmei