Online ISSN 2286-0266
Print ISSN 1223-0685
© 2024 Œconomica by ASE & SOREC
Ramona Ştefania IGREŢ
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
Globalisation, the emergence and development of multinational companies, the international workforce migration, the international market and competition have led, besides many other factors, to an internationalisation of human resources and a repositioning of companies when formulating and implementing a human resource strategy. The objective of this paper is to highlight the most important factors with a significant influence over the human resource strategy.

ŒCONOMICA no. 4/2012
Keywords: human resource management, strategy, international market, influence factors
JEL: M12, M51
Factori de mediu şi tendinţe internaţionale cu impact semnificativ în formularea şi implementarea unei strategii de resurse umane