Online ISSN 2286-0266
Print ISSN 1223-0685
© 2024 Œconomica by ASE & SOREC
Adrian IGNAT
Universitatea Valahia din Târgovişte
The communist period impacted upon the historical evolution of the Romanian Orthodox Church relationship with the Romanian state in a way that today cannot be imagined. After the end of the Second World War hostilities, Romania entered the communist coalition. Under this political regime, the Romanian Orthodox Church served the Romanian people, no matter the historical vicissitudes. The Orthodox Church was the subject of a repressive treatment, revealed through the political purification of the clergy, the nationalization (secularization) of its proprieties, the destruction of many Orthodox monasteries etc. In this paper I will try to present the Orthodox point of view about the economic challenges faced by the Romanian Orthodox Church during the time of Patriarch Justinian. Thus I will put forward and clarify some historians’ positions (Olivier Gillet, Lavinia Stan, Lucian Turcescu, etc.) about the Romanian Orthodox Church actions, especially that of Patriarch Justinian Marina, during this regime.

ŒCONOMICA no. 4/2013
Keywords: communist period, Romanian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Justinian, clergy, secularization, monasticism
JEL: P26, P30, Z12
Interference and Economic Challenges Regarding the Romanian Orthodox Church during Patriarch Justinian Marina (1948-1977) [Ingerinţe şi provocări economice la adresa Bisericii Ortodoxe Române în timpul Patriarhului Justinian Marina (1948-1977)]