Online ISSN 2286-0266
Print ISSN 1223-0685
© 2024 Œconomica by ASE & SOREC
Academia Română
Society is a component element of Popper’s third world, i.e., of the world formed by objectivizing the content of thoughts (ideas, theories, desirability, etc.), objectivation achieved mostly by social action. This means that the social “objects” (therefore the economic “objects” too) appear, become and disappear only by social action. One may say that the social ontology is, simply, the effect of the social praxeology, that society is a political product (supra-individual cause and effect). Thus, the social construction is a teleological construction obtained by completing the universal causes (material, efficient, formal) with the final cause (purpose). Being a teleological construction, the social construction is an intellectual construction (intellectual project), therefore a normative process, not a natural process (as one of the parents of the European construction, Robert Schuman, believed). There is a man-society coevolution (positive feed-back and negative feed-back, respectively), which essentially makes the social construction an auto-poiesis (auto-organisation, auto-fixing, auto-reorganisation, hyper-cycle, etc.). Furthermore, we need to accept that the social “production/reproduction” is an evolutionary process, i.e., a double-dependent process: a) state-dependent (on the desirable state within the particular intellectual project, included); b) path-dependent, i.e., history-dependent. The evolutionary feature of the society combines, however, emergence (present within the evolution of the natural world) with the plan (present in the case of the social world). Within this context we may identify “mutations” (memes, semes), “natural selection” (where the selection unit is the institution) in the social dynamics.

ŒCONOMICA no. 3/2017
Keywords: political product, social construction, evolutionary process
JEL: P10, Z13
European Construction. Intellectual Project vs. Emergence [Construcţia europeană. Proiect intelectual vs. emergenţă]