Online ISSN 2286-0266
Print ISSN 1223-0685
© 2024 Œconomica by ASE & SOREC
Academia Română
The paper has as goal to revisit the general concept of causality, with some specifications to the social (especially economic) field. The logical conditions of causality (individual causes as well multiple causes) are proposed and evaluated. Based on causality concept, the correlation notion is introduced and formalized, in order to classify as general as possible the real interactions among things. As result, the correlation is defined as a structural, not-causal interaction, which could have a remarkable stability on the significant horizon of time for the cognitive or praxiological subject. Finally, some formalization suggests the economic correlation could be the best predictor in the economic field, the price paid being the loss of individual prediction of the effect: based on the economic correlation, only a multiple effect will be predicted and only based on a multiple cause.

ŒCONOMICA no. 1/2014
Keywords: multiple cause, multiple effect, causality, economic correlation, economic prediction, predictor
JEL: B41, C00, E17
Correlation and Causality [Corelaţie şi cauzalitate]