Online ISSN 2286-0266
Print ISSN 1223-0685
© 2024 Œconomica by ASE & SOREC
Alexandru POPOVICI
Universitatea Româno-Americană
In the view of analysing the differences and resemblances of the natural and social sciences (with the economics between them), some of their ontological and epistemological problems and solutions are presented. The options for the interactionist, evolutionist and probabilistic-determinist ontological solutions, for the union of explanation and understanding, of iterative analytic and synthetic methods, as for a humanist naturalism (or substantialist) philosophy are sustained by using both the structural and historical approaches. All these options succeed to preserve the basic unity and autonomy of the natural and human ontological domains and, alike, of their corresponding sciences.

ŒCONOMICA no. 1/2014
Keywords: philosophy of sciences, ontology, epistemology, knowledge methods, economics
JEL: A10, A12, B40
Problems of the Philosophy of Natural and Social Sciences – An Introduction to the Philosophy of Economics [Probleme ale filozofiei ştiinţelor naturii şi a ştiinţelor socio-umane – O introducere în filozofia ştiinţelor economice]