Online ISSN 2286-0266
Print ISSN 1223-0685
© 2024 Œconomica by ASE & SOREC
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti

Over the last two decades the seeds of a New Space Era have been planted as a result of significant leaps in knowledge and technology. Whilst hampered by the tumultuous nature of our times, these seeds are growing due to a wave of entrepreneurs, industrialists and billionaire space enthusiasts that, for the first time ever, have enough wealth and the technology to drive space exploration. As private entities, such as SpaceX or Virgin Galactic, develop the capabilities to launch a payload into orbit, a myriad of new intricate questions and profound ramifications will change the way we perceive and understand economics, politics and the human society as a whole. The “law of accelerating returns” and the exponential growth of technologies are trends that have been keeping their path over the last decades. A couple of engineers and entrepreneurs “promise” an abundant future, with technology playing the role of a liberating force. The New Space Era could bring solutions to various problems our global society faces today and help make the transition from “resource scarcity” to “resource abundance”. Opening the space frontier is not only a moral imperative, but also a matter of survival of the humankind. These first steps will call for the establishment of a new economic paradigm. I believe the term “ExoEconomics” will become a key-word, or a label, throughout this intellectual endeavour. Thus, the main purpose of the paper is to extract the essence of the events to be analysed and, if possible, make a couple of minuscule steps towards the establishment of a new (theoretical) framework that will enable a better understanding of the society we live in, within a world that is about to become larger.

ŒCONOMICA no. 2/2014
Keywords: techno-philanthropists, exponential technologies, exoeconomics, astropolitics
JEL: D83, L26, O14, Z19
Towards ExoEconomics: Developing an off-Planet Economy and Its Implications [Drumul către ExoEconomie: dezvoltarea unei economii extraplanetare şi implicaţiile acestui proces]