Online ISSN 2286-0266
Print ISSN 1223-0685
© 2024 Œconomica by ASE & SOREC
Teodor DIMA
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
European space reunites, as known, ethnic entities with the most eclectic traditions and defining features. Yet, in spite of the growing tendencies towards globalization, harmonizing them often proves to be difficult to achieve. Throughout time, some common values and principles and an ethical code have been promoted by various means, of which the most used ones have been legislation, education and cultural policies. More recently, sport has become part of this series, being a real phenomenon in the public sphere over the last years. As a matter of fact, the status of sport has gone through a rapid and radical change. From the function of an entertainment activity which used to place it in a marginal position, it has become a centre of interest, with major effects at a social, political, media and more notably at an economic level, developing a sui generis industry. However, the importance sport has gained among the masses generates specific problems in its turn, with a great impact on the whole society. As concerns ethical standards, what is in view is the way competitors seek to be at an advantage by exceeding the regulations framework, either in the economic or competitional areas. The paper aims to illustrate by concrete examples the impact sport has on structuring European multiculturalism (between the naturalization of foreigners and xenophobic or racist attitudes). At the same time, the research will focus on specific means of maximizing profit or results, as a consequence of disobeying rules of conduct which have been previously assumed (bets, investments from disproportionate funds, doping etc.).

ŒCONOMICA no. 4/2014
Keywords: ethical code, multiculturalism, sport
JEL: F60, L83, O52
Ethics and Multiculturalism in European Sport [Etică şi multiculturalism în sportul european]