Online ISSN 2286-0266
Print ISSN 1223-0685
© 2024 Œconomica by ASE & SOREC
Academia Română
The paper treats the issue of prediction in the economic (social) field, in a theoretical framework that replaces the truth with the reasonability. In this end, some already accepted parameters around the prediction need to be reconfigured: the causality to be replaced with the explanatory protocol, the prediction to be replaced with the predictive protocol, the factual testing to be replaced with the testing protocol etc. The ambition of the paper is to save the Popperian falsifiability without the truth context (as in the natural sciences), especially by introducing the concept of situational framework, that „necessarily” guides, by specific geodesics, the human (both individual and collective) behaviour. So, the situational framework ensures a prediction (more exactly, a predictive protocol) of second order, that reduces the incertitude until the vicinity where the probability is not needed anymore in the economic (social) modelling.

ŒCONOMICA no. 4/2014
Keywords: truth, reasonability, situational framework, geodesics, predictive protocol
JEL: B41, C00, E17
Reasonability and Prediction [Rezonabilitate şi predicţie]