Online ISSN 2286-0266
Print ISSN 1223-0685
© 2024 Œconomica by ASE & SOREC
Academia Română
The paper aims to deliver a point of view about the crucial concepts regarding the human way to reasoning and decide. In this end, a proposal on the rationality types is offered and, starting from them, a short discussion about the rationality model is performed. From the rationality (as a parameter of logical inference), a new step is made towards the concept of rational (as a parameter of logical conclusion). The non-rationality is then treated through its two species: irrationality and a-rationality. Finally, in order to justify a kind of no one’s land (situated between rationality model and free will) of taking the actual decision, some debates about the relationship between calculus and free will are initiated under the form of four proposed theses.

ŒCONOMICA no. 1/2015
Keywords: rationality, irrationality, a-rationality, in-determined premise, calculus, free will
JEL: B41, C00, E17
Rationality and Irrationality [Raţionalitate şi iraţionalitate]