Online ISSN 2286-0266
Print ISSN 1223-0685
© 2024 Œconomica by ASE & SOREC
Alexandra Luana SMĂRĂNDOIU (SANDA)
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
The fast forward changes, due to globalization and structural innovations, have allocated a large importance to human capital. Nowadays, there is a strong tendency to believe that education explains income of individuals, not as a single factor, but also connected to working experience. Intellectual capital is a promoter factor in a knowledge based economy, as the one Europe has. Individuals are the basic growth generators, due to their contributory role for learning and education, income earning and consumption. The ambitious key objectives, established to fulfil the smart growth pillar of European growth model, are based on the capacity of individuals to gather as many information as they can, to develop and to innovate. Having as background the smart facet of the European growth model, the intellectual capital is the centre of all actions accomplishing the ambitious objectives. This paper focuses on few specific aspects of the relevance of human capital in relationship with growth potential and country behaviour towards achieving the smart growth strategic objective. Evidences from theoretical, empirical and historical researches are reviewed to critically asses the presence of few causal effects by relating human capital and growth potential of European countries to reach the targeted smart objective of Europe’s growth model, through education, research and development, informational technology usage and employment ratios, translated into correlations between EU countries, considering the human capital as main driver.

ŒCONOMICA no. 2/2015
Keywords: European Union, human capital, education, economic, growth, performance
JEL: A23, I22, I24, I25, O15
A Study of Human Capital Intensity on Smart Growth Dynamics at the Level of the European Union [Un studiu asupra intensităţii capitalului uman în dinamica creşterii inteligente la nivelul Uniunii Europene]