Online ISSN 2286-0266
Print ISSN 1223-0685
© 2024 Œconomica by ASE & SOREC
Gabriela-Laura VÂLCEANU
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
This article describes how demand and supply of veterinary medical services for pets influence workforce in the labour market. High and diversified demand can lead to a diversified supply that has to be covered by specialists, service providers of veterinary services. Through exploratory research data on the international market of veterinary services for pets, we notice that more and more veterinarians wish to specialize in areas such as oncology, acupuncture, and organ transplant, specializations that 10 years ago did not arouse any interest or did not exist. With the increasing number of pets, the number of veterinary service providers has to follow suit; the veterinarians either became employees of small and medium clinics or have become entrepreneurs by investing and thus creating jobs for other service providers with different specialties. Veterinary services market annually brings millions and even tens of millions of euros or dollars in profit, according to the degree of development of the country where it operates, the region, the continent. The “humanization” of pets has led and will lead to the creation of new jobs in certain specialties.

ŒCONOMICA no. 2/2015
Keywords: labour force, veterinary services, trends, forecasts
JEL: M31
The Veterinary Labour Market, a Place Where the Demand Meets the Supply of Veterinary Medical Services [Piaţa muncii în domeniul veterinar, un loc unde cererea întâlneşte oferta de servicii medicale veterinare]