Online ISSN 2286-0266
Print ISSN 1223-0685
© 2024 Œconomica by ASE & SOREC
Societatea Română de Economie (SOREC)
I chose for my “speech” a topic which allows me to talk about people who helped me enter the paths of the science that I love. John Maynard Keynes once said that we are all intellectual prisoners of distinguished predecessors. Part of my professional life happened before 1989. But I had the chance to meet exceptional people in those tough times for the academic freedom as for the freedom of expression in general. After 1989 I was able to study, to attend conferences and to publish abroad as I so much longed before, and to eventually meet the international peaks of the contemporary economic science.
I found my way through individual readings and through interactions with distinguished economists from whom I had plenty to learn. What I wrote, what I advocated in my public activity expresses a creed, a vision, and results from this combination of cognitive sources. The mandates in the public service (at the National Bank of Romania, the Ministry of Public Finance, the Authority for Financial Supervision, as a Member of the European Parliament or at the Fiscal Council), as well as in the financial industry (at BCR and CEC Bank) have been an “acid test” for me, as an economic scientist caught in the trenches of economic reality.
The following text interweaves episodes from my professional life with thoughts on topics that have preoccupied me over time. These thoughts also outline my paradigmatic inclinations: I will recollect thoughts on my beginning years, on my “going out into the world”, on currency and over-financing, on institutions and economic development, on Romania in the European Union, including accession to the euro area, and some reflections on democracy and economy.

ŒCONOMICA no. 4/2019
The Road to Knowledge. The “Genesis” of an Economist [Drumul spre cunoaştere. “Facerea” unui economist]