Online ISSN 2286-0266
Print ISSN 1223-0685
© 2024 Œconomica by ASE & SOREC
Independent Researcher
Did you know that in the world economy only 10% of companies together achieve 80% of global turnover? Did you know that in the world economy only 10% of states accumulate 80% of the global gross domestic product? You probably didn’t know and found out now. And until very recently, no one knew. And the merit of highlighting these amazing truths, supported by indisputable data provided by the most serious bodies that monitor the statistics of the planet, belongs to the Romanian engineer Cezar Mereuţă, doctor in energetics and university professor double laureate of the Romanian Academy’s Economics Award.

ŒCONOMICA no. 1-2/2020
Keywords: nodal analysis, interdisciplinarity, energetics, economics
JEL: A12, Y80
Starting from the Concept of Nodal Analysis in Energy, the Engineer Cezar Mereuţă Opens a New Field of Interdisciplinary Research in Economics [Pornind de la conceptul de analiză nodală din energetică, inginerul Cezar Mereuţă deschide un nou domeniu de ce