Articles on Issue Theme
Ştefan IMRE
PhD; MBA; Senior scientific resercher
The formation of a new world order is studied as a phenomenon resulting from national competitiveness policies in which the production of new knowledge and its integration into the economy and society, as well as the leadership of the government, occupy a crucial position. Contrary to pseudo-liberal ideas, the study claims that, in the economy of major changes in society – as well as in the formation of a new world order – leaders and citizens’ trust in them can play an important role. The phenomenon of change is treated as being partially driven in the spirit of methodological non-reductionist individualism, society being considered a complex self-driving system. In this context, policies will be successful in guiding and supporting changes in society by defining the main strategic target in the vision of the nation's competitiveness, if the leaders relate to citizens and society through partnership, harmonizing objectives with national culture.
ŒCONOMICA no. 1-2/2022
Keywords: competitiveness, new world order, culture, leaders, citizens
JEL: B55, E02, F02, H11
Aspects of the Contribution of the Nation’s Competitiveness to the Formation of a New World Order – Probable and Possible Scenarios [Aspecte privind contribuţia competitivităţii naţiunii la formarea unei noi ordini mondiale–scenarii probabile şi posibile]
Select Issue:
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Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
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