Online ISSN 2286-0266
Print ISSN 1223-0685
© 2024 Œconomica by ASE & SOREC
Alexandru-Florin PREDA
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
In today’s ever-changing global trade landscape, the interaction of data privacy regulations, specifically the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), with worldwide trade dynamics holds a crucial role. This article explores the intricate realm of trade diplomacy, where the influence of lobbying factors on all sides involved is instrumental in shaping the future of international commerce. Deeply rooted in geoeconomics, the present research delves into how lobbying efforts from various stakeholders play a significant role in determining the integration of data privacy provisions into trade agreements. The European Union, armed with its formidable GDPR, staunchly pushes for rigorous data privacy standards during trade negotiations. Conversely, trading partners and multinational corporations bring substantial influence to bear, seeking to both maintain the flow of data essential for modern trade and steer the formulation and scope of data protection clauses within these agreements. This study exposes the high stakes at the interaction between geopolitics and economics, with trade agreements increasingly serving as a platform for cross-continental discussions on data privacy. It uncovers the intricate strategies used by both negotiating parties as they navigate the pressures from lobbying, harmonizing the imperative to safeguard intellectual property (IP) and foster innovation with the necessity to safeguard personal data and sustain access to vast consumer markets. The research unveils the complex relationship between IP, data privacy, and geoeconomics, offering valuable insights into the manoeuvres, negotiations, and trade-offs that define contemporary trade agreements. As global commerce continues to evolve, this inquiry stands as a timely and informative resource for policymakers, businesses, and scholars keen on understanding the intricate interplay between data privacy and international trade.

ŒCONOMICA no. 2/2023
Keywords: international trade, public affairs, data privacy, international cooperation
JEL: F13, F68, M20
From Brussels to Trade Tables: The Impact of Data Protection on Global Trade Dynamics