Online ISSN 2286-0266
Print ISSN 1223-0685
© 2024 Œconomica by ASE & SOREC
Fundaţia Familiei Menachem H. Elias
In the context of the performance requirements implied by the development of a knowledge based economy, we look at industrial property as an important tool thereof. Consequently, the present study presents (in a comparative manner) the system of industrial property rights and their protection in the European Union, the United States of America and Romania. In addition, we analyse aspects of institutional, regulatory and functional convergence/divergence in the field of industrial property rights. The approach used is made correlatively and it targets the interdependence between the industrial property area and the research, development and innovation one.

ŒCONOMICA no. 1/2008
Keywords: divergence, harmonization, convergence, institutional convergence, economic growth, research and development, global competitiveness, industrial design, innovation, statistical indicators, trade-mark, patent
JEL: K11, K29, O34
Gradul de convergenţă / divergenţă a reglementărilor şi instituţiilor privind drepturile de proprietate industrială (Uniunea Europeană, SUA şi România)