Online ISSN 2286-0266
Print ISSN 1223-0685
© 2025 Œconomica by ASE & SOREC
Octavian-Dragomir JORA
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
Alianţa dintre filosofie şi ştiinţa economică este veche de când spiţele ştiinţelor s-au răsfirat în jurul butucului filosofic, după cum are şi o durabilitate ontică pe care coup-ul epistemic încercat (şi reuşit, dar mai degrabă într-un registru “democratic politic” al ştiinţei, dar nu în cel al “verităţii sincere”) nu o poate zdruncina. Panfizicalismul mecanicist este certat fiindcă a adus economia, de fapt blocul “ştiinţelor despre om”, la un secundariat apăsător, reducând cercetarea la un exerciţiu de explorare şi exploatare inginerească a acţiunii umane, cumva nelegitim şi nociv în sfera teleologică a subiectivităţii. Filosofia încearcă a-i recupera economiei întrebările fondatoare, într-o epocă a răspunsurilor politice care ascund, sub mantia sofisticării instrumentale, şubrezenia conceptuală a construcţiei economice. Fără a consuna întru totul în privinţa convingerilor epistemice, membrii Societăţii Române de Filosofia Economiei (SRFE) împărtăşesc preocuparea pentru schimbul liber de idei, amendat de vigilenţa critică, drept preambuluri “principiale” necesare pentru orice puseuri “pragmatice” de entuziasm rezolutiv.

ŒCONOMICA nr. 3-4/2016
Academia Română
The status quo of economic science brings together four avatars: (A) maintaining the separation between subject and object, similar to the case of natural sciences; (B) maintaining the concept of the truth from natural sciences (including the Popperian falsifiability); (C) maintaining the bivalent logic (true values: true and, respectively, false); (D) maintaining the formalism from physics and mathematics.

ŒCONOMICA no. 3-4/2016
Keywords: logic, teleology, epistemology, economics
JEL: A12, B41, B50
Pleading for a Teleological Logic in Economics [Pledoarie pentru o logică teleologică în economie]
Alexandru POPOVICI
Universitatea Româno-Americană

Starting from an overview of the main concepts of critical realism, the paper places the philosophy of Roy Bhaskar into the context of contemporary ontology and theory of layered reality. Its developments in the field of economics, especially by Tony Lawson, are related to the methods proposed by critical realism for social sciences. Both the merits and the actual limits of these approaches are marked.

ŒCONOMICA no. 3-4/2016
Keywords: social sciences, economics, philosophy, ontology, scientific methods
JEL: A12, B41, B50
Critical Realism and the Philosophy of Economics [Realismul critic şi filosofia economiei]
Universitatea “Valahia” din Târgovişte
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti

Many of the nowadays scientists think that religion can never come to terms with science. In sharp contrast with this widespread opinion, this paper argues that, historically, scientific reasoning and religious belief joined hands in their effort to investigate and understand reality. The present-day divorce between science and religion marks the final outcome of a gradual secularization of science.

ŒCONOMICA no. 3-4/2016
Keywords: personalism, science, economics, religion
JEL: A12, B41, B50
A Personalist Approach to the Dialogue between Economics and Religion [O abordare personalistă a dialogului dintre economie şi religie]
Dragoş Constantin SANDA
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
Starting with modern times, science seems to have gained superiority to religion, its discourses being universally accepted at the expense of the religious visions. Most of the contemporary scholars firmly believe that science cannot reconcile with religion. This view emerges mainly from the conviction that science rests on accurate, objective and verifiable observations, unlike religion.

ŒCONOMICA no. 3-4/2016
Keywords: science, religion, conflict, indifference, integration, dialog, interdisciplinary
JEL: Z12
A Critical Perspective on Contemporary Rapports between Science and Religion [O perspectivă critică asupra raporturilor contemporane dintre ştiinţă şi religie]
Dan Alexandru CHIŢĂ
The paper focuses on G.W.F. Hegel’s theory of the family, the civil society and the state from a specific economic viewpoint. After analysing the main lines of argument in the second part of Hegel’s treatise on the philosophy of law, some basic social relations stand out – especially the interaction between individuals, estates and social classes mediated by the classical economic category of labour.

ŒCONOMICA no. 3-4/2016
Keywords: economics, society, philosophy, law, Hegel
JEL: B1, K1
Economics and Society in G.W.F. Hegel’s “Elements of the Philosophy of Law” [Economie şi societate în “Principiile filosofiei dreptului” de G.W.F. Hegel]
Universitatea din Bucureşti
We will discuss in this paper the relation between natural selection and altruism. While at the individual level, the altruistic behaviour reduces the fitness of an individual, at group level the behaviour of altruism produces as result a better adaptation to the environment. In this way, only altruism can contribute to evolution. We will present different perspectives on altruism.

ŒCONOMICA no. 3-4/2016
Keywords: altruism, cooperation, selection, evolution
JEL: C71, D01, D64
On Altruism in Economic Behaviour. Price Equation [Asupra altruismului în comportamentul economic. Ecuaţia Price]
Andrei SANDU
Durham University
This essay will outline the case for microfoundations, before presenting the limitations which undermine both the representative-agent model as a means of reduction and the individualist claim that microfoundations are necessary for explanation of economic aggregates. If microfoundations are justifiable in certain contexts, demanding them as a validator of macroeconomics is hardly defendable.

ŒCONOMICA no. 3-4/2016
Keywords: microfoundations, macroeconomics, representative-agent model, individualism
JEL: B41, D00, E00
Microeconomic Foundations for Macroeconomic Phenomena. A Problem of Ontological (In)Dependence [Fundaţii microeconomice ale fenomenelor macroeconomice. O problemă de (in)dependenţă ontologică]
Alexandra Luana SMĂRĂNDOIU (SANDA)
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
Under multidimensional pressures, the social dimension of Europe, yet a very envied one by lots of nations from around the world, is now facing austere budgets, social imbalances, demographic gaps, public opinions based on extremely diverse political and economic rationales, and manifest market failures, the social burdens thus becoming even more obvious after the economic crisis.

ŒCONOMICA no. 3-4/2016
Keywords: social dimension, smart, sustainable, inclusive, Europe
JEL: F6, Q20, Q50
A Critical Assessment of the European Social Dimension under 2020 Strategy [O evaluare critică a dimensiunii sociale europene sub auspiciile Strategiei 2020]