Online ISSN 2286-0266
Print ISSN 1223-0685
© 2024 Œconomica by ASE & SOREC
Octavian-Dragomir JORA
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti

“Dialectica” economistului “civilizează” cultura. Adecvarea-mijloacelor-la-scopuri, ca meta-raţiune a acţiunii umane, închide “arcul electric” al valorii/valorilor, încorporând raritatea implacabilă a resurselor (cu utilizări alternative), chemate să vină înspre întâmpinarea nevoilor (cu exprimări competitive interpersonal, social). Şi activităţile, şi artefactele culturale devin descriptibile atât prin genul proxim al transformării productive de resurse rare în temeiul diviziunii sociale a muncii, marcă a infrastructurii şi logicii civilizaţionale, după cum şi prin diferenţa specifică a creării de identitate socială. Producţia de cultură ar fi, cumva, asistată civilizaţional de pieţe şi ierarhii anonime; consumul de civilizaţie rămâne o experienţă culturală. Răspunsul raţional şi relaţional la realitatea rarităţii resurselor a venit odată cu descoperirea (şi reinventarea) instituţiei dreptului de proprietate, premisă a ordinii non-conflictuale şi non-risipitoare durabile.

ŒCONOMICA nr. 1/2014
Silviu CERNA
Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Indeed, the reaction of central banks to the crisis often resulted in remarkable technical innovations designed to improve the operational framework of monetary policy. However, the typology established several years ago by B. Bernanke and his colleagues remains valid. According to these authors, unconventional monetary policy measures are of three kinds.

ŒCONOMICA no. 1/2014
Keywords: central bank, monetary policy, zero interest rate policy, quantitative easing policy
JEL: E52, E58
Unconventional Monetary Policy [Politica monetară neconvenţională]
Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureşti
Flavius CHIRCU
Bentley University
The economic crisis of the West highlights a number of issues related to the EU architecture, this house originally designed to make war impossible in a parti-coloured continent where no power is big enough to impose peace by its own. In time, the European house expanded to the point that the lack of an architecture matching the project risks to transform it either in a Kafkaesque castle, or in a castle of cards.

ŒCONOMICA no. 1/2014
Keywords: European Union, structural disequilibria, austerity, banking
JEL: E52, F53, H20, H62
Collapse or Utopia, the Alternatives of the European Project [Colaps sau utopie, alternativele proiectului european]
Academia Română
The Eastern Partnership, encompassing EU’s relations with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, was launched in May 2009 as an “eastern dimension” of the European Neighbourhood Policy. Its declared objective is supporting the reform process in the six former Soviet republics on their way towards the market economy and their gradual integration into the EU economy.

ŒCONOMICA no. 1/2014
Keywords: EU, Russia, US, Ukraine, Eastern Partnership, Association Agreement, Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, energy security
JEL: F15, F21, F23, F34, F51, F53
Eastern Partnership – at the Delineation of the Spheres of Influence between West and East [Parteneriatul Estic – la linia de demarcaţie a sferelor de influenţă dintre Vest şi Est]
Academia Română
The paper has as goal to revisit the general concept of causality, with some specifications to the social (especially economic) field. The logical conditions of causality (individual causes as well multiple causes) are proposed and evaluated. Based on causality concept, the correlation notion is introduced and formalized, in order to classify as general as possible the real interactions among things.

ŒCONOMICA no. 1/2014
Keywords: multiple cause, multiple effect, causality, economic correlation, economic prediction, predictor
JEL: B41, C00, E17
Correlation and Causality [Corelaţie şi cauzalitate]
Alexandru POPOVICI
Universitatea Româno-Americană
In the view of analysing the differences and resemblances of the natural and social sciences (with the economics between them), some of their ontological and epistemological problems and solutions are presented. Many methodological options succeed to preserve the basic unity and autonomy of the natural and human ontological domains and, alike, of their corresponding sciences.

ŒCONOMICA no. 1/2014
Keywords: philosophy of sciences, ontology, epistemology, knowledge methods, economics
JEL: A10, A12, B40
Problems of the Philosophy of Natural and Social Sciences – An Introduction to the Philosophy of Economics [Probleme ale filozofiei ştiinţelor naturii şi a ştiinţelor socio-umane – O introducere în filozofia ştiinţelor economice]
Filip Mihai ZGUBEA
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
Alexandru TAŞNADI
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
Biserica Sfântul Vasile Cel Mare - Victoria
This article is based on the results of the dialogue between science and faith, which deepens in more and more segments of the society. The central idea of the article starts with reversing the sheet of values through which things are judged. The virtues of Christian life are abandoned and the decision-making behaviours are aligned to evil, tyrannical passions: greed, pride and envy.

ŒCONOMICA no. 1/2014
Keywords: global crisis, greed, envy, suffering, culture of discard, World Economic Forum, poverty
JEL: Z12
“The Spirit of Envy” and The Progress of Economy [“Spiritul invidiei” şi progresul economiei]